Topic: NSLA

Annual reports

An annual summary of NSLA’s work, membership and financial status.

The last bastion? Libraries and community in times of crisis

In this discussion, the heads of three Australian libraries considered the responsibilities of libraries both as providers: ensuring access to safe public places, community connections, services and resources; and as collectors: documenting our experiences of crisis or disaster for posterity.

Submission: A new National Cultural Policy

NSLA’s submission in response to a proposed new national cultural policy for Australia contends that supporting the systems and human resources necessary to preserve and deliver Australian content is vital to supporting individual artists and creative workers.

Strategic plan 2020-2023

NSLA’s strategic plan for 2020-2023 focuses on three priorities for collaboration: shared digital systems; strengthening community identity; and, building cultural and intellectual capital.

Submission: Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019

NSLA welcomes the addition of social infrastructure to the audit and recommends consideration of a number of additional challenges to libraries in meeting users’ needs, including: consumer expectations, research infrastructure, reductions in capital funding, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and collections, volunteers.