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Strategic plan 2023-2026: Leading together
Annual report
History and achievements
Our work
National edeposit (NED)
Official RDA
eResources Consortium
Research and partnerships
Culturally Safe Libraries
Sustainable Development Goals
Strategic plan 2023-2026: Leading together
Annual report
History and achievements
Our work
National edeposit (NED)
Official RDA
eResources Consortium
Research and partnerships
Culturally Safe Libraries
Sustainable Development Goals
Strategic plan 2023-2026: Leading together
Annual report
History and achievements
Our work
National edeposit (NED)
Official RDA
eResources Consortium
Research and partnerships
Culturally Safe Libraries
Sustainable Development Goals
Strategic plan 2023-2026: Leading together
Annual report
History and achievements
Our work
National edeposit (NED)
Official RDA
eResources Consortium
Research and partnerships
Culturally Safe Libraries
Sustainable Development Goals
About NSLA
Annual report
History and achievements
Strategic plan 2023-2026: Leading together
Subscribe to our Newsletter
Our work
Culturally Safe Libraries
National edeposit (NED)
Official RDA
Research and partnerships
eResources Consortium
Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals
Privacy policy
Culturally Safe Libraries: Working with Indigenous collections
ATSILIRN Protocol 11: Copying and repatriation of records
ATSILIRN Protocol 12: The digital environment
ATSILIRN Protocol 2: Content and perspectives
ATSILIRN Protocol 3: Intellectual property
ATSILIRN Protocol 4: Accessibility and use
ATSILIRN Protocol 5: Description and classification
ATSILIRN Protocol 6: Secret or sacred materials, or sensitive
ATSILIRN Protocol 7: Offensive
Case studies
A different perspective on history: collaborating with a remote community
A toolkit for inclusive library spaces
Consulting with Elders to improve collection information and management
Creating a process for cultural permissions
Developing a repatriation policy
Galiwin’ku community library classification system
Indigenous soldier portraits
Storylines: reconnecting collections to communities, families and individuals
Posts by category
The Neditorial – National edeposit news
Official RDA Project Update
Meet NSLA’s newest Board Director
Announcing NSLA’s patron
Why NED matters to Australian writers
Libraries supporting media and information literacy for young people: symposium recording and further resources
Webinar recording: Archives Without Borders – Trove, DigitalPasifik, and DigitalNZ
Update: scoping the implementation of Official RDA
Libraries and their Intersection with Indigenous Knowledges
Happy birthday, NED!
Board meeting update
Meet the new Chair of NSLA
Transition to Official RDA
NSLA Learning Network meets in Canberra
Submission to Civics Education, Engagement and Participation Inquiry
Geoff Strempel Awarded HCL Anderson Award
NSLA board meets in Tasmania
An interview with Barbara Lemon: from NSLA leadership to lasting bonds
Meet Caroline Butler-Bowdon
Introducing NSLA’s new Executive Director: Dr Simon Polson
How NSLA and ALIA celebrated Library Lovers’ Day
Dr John Vallance awarded a Member of the Order of Australia
Finishing the 50th year: anniversary dinner and board meeting outcomes
What is special about NSLA libraries?
Profile: Tracy Puklowski
Webinar: First Nations collection description guidelines for the library sector
‘Right Wrongs’ online resource re-released by ABC with Australia’s national, state and territory libraries ahead of October referendum
NSLA celebrates libraries on International Day of Democracy
Webinar: AI essentials for NSLA libraries
Board meeting outcomes
First Nations first meeting in Darwin
Introducing NSLA’s new strategic plan: Leading together
Statement from the Chair: NSLA’s 50th anniversary
NSLA board welcomes new strategy
Funding secured for Trove’s treasures
What is ChatGPT anyway?
Coming together for Trove
NED’s next chapter
NSLA board meeting in Aotearoa New Zealand
Library sector unites for First Nations collection description
Profile: Catherine Clark, State Library of WA
July meeting outcomes
Profile: Sue McKerracher, Libraries Tasmania
Webinar: Reimagine Descriptive Workflows, an Australasian perspective
Webinar: Media literacy for libraries
Farewell Margaret Allen
NSLA Board reunites – March meeting outcomes
2021: It’s a wrap!
Profile: Rachel Esson
NSLA Inc.: July 2021 meeting outcomes
Celebrating a decade with NSLA
National Library of New Zealand re-joins NSLA
Total Cost of Stewardship: webinar recording and resources
March 2021 meeting outcomes
Profile: Maria Savvidis
Operationalising the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance
November 2020 meeting outcomes
Ready for 2020: Meet the Chair and Deputy Chair of NSLA
Profile: Anna Raunik
July 2020 NSLA meeting outcomes
Collecting COVID-19
One-year-old NED reaches 100,000 milestone
March 2020 NSLA meeting outcomes
COVID-19 pandemic: A statement from NSLA’s Chair
NSLA meeting recap: November 2019
Planning for 2019
Award nomination tops off a great year for NED
NED ready to meet Australia
NAIDOC Week code-a-thon
Happy launch day to NED!
A little bit of GLAM
What a difference a year makes
Profile: Dr Barbara Lemon
Profile: Geoff Strempel, SLSA
Profile: John Vallance, SLNSW
Right Wrongs nominated for award
Profile: Vicki McDonald, State Library of Queensland
Profile: Vanessa Little, Libraries ACT
Profile: Patrick Gregory, Northern Territory Library
NSLA statement on the freedom to read
Safe and responsible AI in Australia discussion paper
Webinar: NED and legal deposit
Annual reports
Webinar: How libraries in Australasia can work with the ILAB Missing Books Register
Position statement: Self-copying of copyrighted collection materials
Position statement: Reasonably diligent search for orphan works
Procedural guidelines: Reasonable search for orphan works
Indigenous cultural competency principles
Working with Community
Position statement: Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP)
Oral history guidelines
Information and research services principles
Service guidelines: Information and research services at NSLA libraries
Submission: Inquiry into the influence of international digital platforms
Progress through partnership: Celebrating fifty years of NSLA
Personal digital archive toolkit
Position statement: Copyright
Legal deposit in Australia
Submission: Response to the Copyright Enforcement Review 2023
Position statement: Creative Commons
The last bastion? Libraries and community in times of crisis
Response: Interim report on stand-alone legislation to protect and commercialise Indigenous Knowledge
Statement of support: Tandanya Adelaide Declaration
Response: Professional Pathways consultation
Principles for public and private digitisation partnerships
Position Statement: Collection redistribution in NSLA libraries
Position statement: Moral rights for staff and volunteers
Submission: A new National Cultural Policy
Webinar: Reimagine Descriptive Workflows, an Australasian perspective
Takedown position statement and guidelines
Contemporary Indigenous collections audit
Submission: Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021
Copyright information for clients
Procedural guidelines: Risk assessment in oral history recordings
Submission: National Indigenous Australians Agency Indigenous Digital Inclusion Plan
Deeds of gift: Guidelines for NSLA libraries
Position statement: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections and services in NSLA libraries
Webinar: Email archives
Webinar: What’s in it for me? AI and machine learning for librarians
Webinar: Total cost of stewardship
Submission: Australian Government Inquiry into Adult Literacy
Digital acquisitions: Guidelines and checklists for working with donors
Webinar: Operationalising the CARE Principles for Indigenous data governance
Responses to COVID-19 in Australia’s national, state and territory libraries
Submission: Inquiry into Australia’s creative and cultural industries and institutions
Position statement: Access to legacy oral history collections
Strategic plan 2020-2023
Submission: Issues facing diaspora communities in Australia
Working with Indigenous collections
Reflections on collection policies in NSLA libraries
Submission: Review of Australian Digital Inclusion Index
Creative Commons guidelines
CAUL/NSLA joint principles for access to licensed digital content
Submission: Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019
Submission: Inquiry into nationhood, national identity and democracy
Submission: Standards Australia distribution and licensing policy framework
Position statement: Public domain works
Submission: Protection of Indigenous knowledge in the intellectual property system
Submission: Data sharing and release legislation
Cost of copyright compliance toolkit
Submission: Copyright modernisation consultation
Submission: Pacific Islands Forum Regional Policy Consultation
Strategic plan 2018-20
Submission: Inquiry into the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill
Annual report archive 2009-17
Obsolete Physical Carriers Directory
Data Unleashed 2017
Right Wrongs
Submission: Response to Inquiry into NBN Rollout
Improving discoverability of heritage collections
Submission: Open Government National Action Plan
Submission: National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper
Born Digital 2016
Digital citizenship seminars 2015-16
Strategic plan: Leading Collaboration 2015-17
Heritage Collections Forum 2015
Legal issues for libraries
Collection storage: Environmental management
Submissions: Australian Heritage Strategy
Digital Collecting Forum 2013
Literacy and learning seminar 2013
Submissions: Inquiry into Copyright and the Digital Economy
Submission: Consultation on extending legal deposit
Strategic plan: Re-imagining Libraries 2012-16
Disaster preparedness seminar 2012
Submissions: National Cultural Policy
Submission: Strategic Roadmap for Australian Research Infrastructure
Submission: Inquiry into the National Broadband Network
Submission: Book Industry Strategy Group
Strategic plan: Re-imagining Library Services 2008-11
Submission: Review of the extension of legal deposit
Strategic plan: The Big Bang – creating the new library universe 2007-09
Cooperation and influence: history and priorities of the Council of Australian State Libraries