
Submission: Response to the Copyright Enforcement Review 2023

Summary statement

NSLA libraries support the regular review of Australia’s copyright enforcement measures. Libraries are trusted entities with a strong record of best practice copyright application and enforcement, both in the services we provide to clients and in our dealings with creators.

NSLA libraries support copyright enforcement as part of a broader copyright scheme designed to incentivise and reward creation and distribution in Australia. Such a scheme must recognise the importance of providing legitimate means of accessing and using material alongside tools for preventing and penalising piracy.

With this in mind, we wish to voice our support for continued development of the Access Reforms released previously by the government. We would especially caution against inadvertently closing off access to material by making changes to strengthen copyright enforcement without first addressing the exceptions for education, accessibility, libraries and archives within the Act – particularly as they relate to quotation and orphan works.

Download the full submission: Response to the Copyright Enforcement Review 2023