Data Unleashed was a professional learning program for NSLA staff, focusing on data and its role in our libraries and work. The program had two streams:
- Part 1, The data we’ve always had, aimed to raise awareness at an organisational level of research data and its role in NSLA libraries. It was delivered as a combination of pre-recorded keynote presentations and live ‘lightning talks’.
- Part 2 was a one-day workshop based on the successful Library Carpentry model aimed at staff whose roles involve or effect research data about collections, including those working in research and reference, cataloguing, description and collections.
These programs recognised the common need across NSLA libraries to increase our awareness, confidence and expertise in managing and using data, so we can support users to navigate and unlock the potential of this information.
The keynote videos from Part 1 are available below. Videos of the lightning talks from selected libraries are available on our YouTube channel.