Submission: Consultation on extending legal deposit
NSLA’s submission supporting the extension of Commonwealth legal deposit provisions to electronic works and the deposit of these works in the National Library of Australia.
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NSLA’s submission supporting the extension of Commonwealth legal deposit provisions to electronic works and the deposit of these works in the National Library of Australia.
Re-imagining Libraries set out three strategies for NSLA’s work in 2012-16: One Library, Enabling People and Accessible Content.
A seminar for library, archives and museum professionals to share their experiences of fire, storm and flood, and to offer lessons learned in disaster preparedness.
NSLA’s responses to the Australian Government’s National Cultural Policy discussion paper.
NSLA’s submission in response to the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research’s discussion paper.
NSLA’s submission to the Australian Government’s inquiry into the role and potential benefits of the NBN.
Members of National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and Kaitiaki of the lands on which
our libraries do their daily work, preserving and sharing our collective cultural heritage.