Submission: Data sharing and release legislation
NSLA’s submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on the Data Sharing and Release Bill, which aims to balance sharing data held by government with appropriate risk management.
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NSLA’s submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on the Data Sharing and Release Bill, which aims to balance sharing data held by government with appropriate risk management.
A toolkit developed to accurately calculate the costs associated with undertaking copyright compliance.
NSLA’s submission to the Australian Government’s copyright modernisation consultation on reforms options for the Copyright Act 1968.
NSLA’s submission to the Pacific Islands Forum Regional Policy Consultation suggests how libraries can contribute to the framework’s vision and objectives.
NSLA’s strategic plan for 2018-2020 describes how Australia’s National Library and eight state and territory libraries will work together to achieve shared goals.
NSLA’s submission to the Australian Government’s inquiry into the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill, which proposes to extend the operation of the safe harbour scheme.
Members of National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and Kaitiaki of the lands on which
our libraries do their daily work, preserving and sharing our collective cultural heritage.