
The Neditorial – National edeposit news

Recently, we’ve been pleased to introduce The NEDitorial, the National edeposit (NED) service’s quarterly newsletter to engage with authors, publishers and depositors across Australia. In a survey last year, we

Official RDA Project Update

In 2025-26, NSLA is leading an Australia-wide project to transition the library and information sector to Official RDA. The project is a collaboration between Australian NSLA member libraries, and leverages the

A professional headshot of a friendly woman smiling against a white background.

Meet NSLA’s newest Board Director

In November, the NSLA Board welcomed its newest Director: Megan Berghuis, State Librarian and Director, State Library of South Australia. Megan takes up leadership of the State Library of South

Her Excellency the Governor-General standing in front of the Australian flag, the Aboriginal flag, and the Torres Strait Islander flag.

Announcing NSLA’s patron

We are honoured to announce Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, as patron of National & State Libraries Australasia (NSLA). At an

Why NED matters to Australian writers

Coinciding with the NSLA Board meeting at the State Library of New South Wales in November was an event marking the culmination of celebrations for the fifth anniversary of the

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