About NSLA

National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) is an incorporated association comprising the national, state and territory libraries of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Board members and executive posing for a photograph on the stairs approaching a sandstone building.Our constitutional purpose is to bring together the knowledge and expertise of our ten member libraries in order to build, manage and provide access to library collections and services that reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. Each member library is represented on NSLA’s board by its chief executive, state librarian, or director-general. The Chair of the board is nominated by vote for a two-year term. 

After fifty years of working together, the NSLA collaboration has become a driving force for innovation and professional development. Our association provides a mechanism for joint approaches to collecting, service delivery, research, advocacy, skills development and library standards, bringing the benefits of shared expertise and economies of scale to a collaborative program of work. The NSLA program is managed by the NSLA office, working with a series of professional networks and advisory groups from across the member libraries.

Image credit: Joy Lai, courtesy State Library NSW.

Who we are

Chair (to 2026): Rachel Esson, Te Pouhuaki National Librarian for Aotearoa New Zealand

Deputy Chair (to 2026): Catherine Clark, CEO and State Librarian, State Library of Western Australia

Vicki McDonald, Chief Executive Officer and State Librarian, State Library of Queensland

Marie-Louise Ayres, Director-General, National Library of Australia

Paul Duldig, Chief Executive Officer, State Library Victoria

Megan Berghuis, Director, State Library of South Australia.

Caroline Butler-Bowdon, State Librarian, State Library of New South Wales

Tracy Puklowski, Senior Director, Library and Archives NT

Patrick Gregory, Acting Executive Director, Libraries Tasmania

Peta Harding, Executive Branch Manager, Libraries ACT

Simon Polson, NSLA Executive Director (simon.polson@nsla.org.au)

Jo Ritale, NED Program Manager (jo.ritale@nsla.org.au)

Aimee Hay, Program Coordinator (aimee.hay@nsla.org.au)